Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tiered Skirt - Oh So Trendy!

My daughter (dd2) had been salivating over those three tiered mini skirts so I decided to make her one because, you know, I just can't BEAR to buy something that I know I can make. In case you didn't know this about me, I have a fetish for cloth and have rolls upon rolls stashed away, just waiting for the right pattern to spring out at me. The girls say I have a problem - until I make something like this from my stash. Then they just LOVE the fact that their mama has a closet full of cloth!

I wanted to make it four tiers but she insisted on it being three tiers after it was already in construction so I cut it off. Then she discovered it was too short to wear to school. Bummer! Foiled my plans of adding some items to her back to school wardrobe that cost next to nothing.

I didn't have a pattern. I just made a pattern from a straight skirt she already had, gave it a little flare at the bottom and then attached rrrrrows of rrrrrrrrrruffles. It is just too cute but TOO short IMHO.

I also made this one with no tiers and gave it a lining. It even has inset pockets (just a hint of bragging here). I made it a little longer and the heifer has yet to wear this one because "it's so long, Mama!" It is just above the knees. Why do kids want to show their cheeks? We (cough) NEVER wanted to wear anything as skimpy as they try to nowadays (hack, sputter, sniff).

Next, I'll make it a bubble, attaching the fashion fabric to the lining at the bottom.